Frequent Shopper Rewards

Ways to Save at your Favorite Neighborhood Market

We reward our loyal shoppers!


As a member of our loyalty program, you earn one point for every dollar you spend. You will not receive a physical card; your customer number will be your primary phone number entered on your digital or paper Frequent Shopper Application. Each time you use your card, your points will be electronically updated.

There is no cost to enroll, and we promise never to share your information with anyone.

Frequent Shopper Program members earn 1 point for every $1 spent.  At 400 points, a $5 store credit reward is issued, which will be automatically redeemed on your next qualifying purchase.

When signing up, you are consenting to receive emails from Western Market. These may include store news, sales flyers, and special discounts for Frequent Shoppers.

You may unsubscribe from our email list at any time and remain a Frequent Shopper. You will continue to earn and redeem points in-store.

Rules & Conditions

    1) To earn or redeem points, member must enter primary phone number at the register at time of purchase.

    2) No purchase is necessary to join the Western Market Frequent Shopper Program. Purchase is required to redeem points.

    3) Western Market reserves the right to discontinue or modify this program at any time. In the event that this program is discontinued, members will be allowed to redeem qualified points.

    4) Western Market reserves the right to refuse any store credit to any persons who have wrongfully earned points via deception, forgery or other abuses of the Frequent Shopper Program.

    5) Any returned merchandise that was originally credited to the card will be deducted at the time of return.